Were You Caught Off-Guard With Google’s June Core Update?

Were You Caught Off-Guard With Google’s June Core Update?

On June 2nd, Google began rolling out the June 2021 core update. Early data seems to show the rollout was mostly felt a few days after it began rolling out, but as Google has said, it can take up to two weeks to fully roll out. Based on everything we have seen so far this update took longer to roll out that prior updates, more spread out when compared to the December 2020 core update which turned out to be a big one. To be clear, if your site was impacted by this June 2021 core update, then for you, the update was likely a big one.

This core update was different, there was not much buzz in the SEO industry. Very few noticed ranking changes on the sites they manage until three or more days after it was rolled out. It is not clear why the rollout took so long to be noticed but as of Monday most started to notice changes. Some sites saw huge drops or gains but others not as much. It seems like this core update, at least part one of it, was weaker than some past core updates according to some data providers, but others saw this to be a stronger update.

In the past Google has given advice on what to consider if you are negatively impacted by a core update. There are no specific actions to take for recovery, and in fact, there may not be anything at all wrong with your pages that took a decline in ranking.

It is often hard to isolate what you need to do to reverse any algorithmic hit your site may have seen. When it comes to Google core updates, it is even harder to do so. We are expecting a new core update next month and it is possible that the ranking changes you saw this month can be reversed next month.

Get in touch with us now to prepare for the next core update which is right around the corner!

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